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Meet The Team

At Spartans Investigative group our philosophy is to always carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don't ever apologize for anything.

Tim McLemee

Founder & Lead Investigator

M: 903-312-7647

Tim McLemee is the managing partner and founder of the Spartan Investigative Group’s Forensics and Investigations practice. Mr. McLemee’s law enforcement training and experience has led him to become a leading expert in civil and criminal investigations as well as an expert in electronic evidence preservation, analysis and expert testimony. His work as a testifying expert in criminal and civil computer forensics matters sets Spartan apart from our competitors.

Mr. McLemee’s law enforcement and investigatory training related to analyzing and evaluating computer evidence has allowed him to testify over 100 times in criminal and civil court hearings and trials. Mr. McLemee has received forensic computer training from the High Tech Crime Institute, PATC, and Access Data. He has over 14 years of
experience in computer related crimes and over 12 years in the forensic recovery of data from all forms of electronic media.

He has more than 21 years in law enforcement with the majority spent conducting computer forensic investigations. Prior to creating Spartan, he held many positions in law enforcement. Mr. McLemee’s knowledge and experience in criminal and white collar computer forensic investigations has led to case law being published where his testimony was quoted over 20 times. The case law was created due to GANT - V - STATE.
No. 14-08-00607-CR.
Feb. 3, 2009
278 S.W. 3d 836

Professional Experience
• Preservation of electronic evidence
• Proactive criminal and civil investigations
• Recovery of data associated with previously deleted files
• Recovery of data hidden in file slack and other ambient data areas
• Data-hiding techniques
• Fraud detection and analysis
• Litigation consulting and support
• Defeating password-protected data
• Defeating password protected Apple Mobile devices
• Computer forensic investigations
• Project management
• Client management
• Business development

Edward Jones


Ed retired after more than 30 years experience with the Longview Police Department. The last 10 years he served as the Computer Forensic Examiner for the department, serving as a regional resource for all law enforcement agencies in the area, including FBI, Secret Service, ATF, DEA, Tyler PD, Texarkana PD, Gilmer, Cherokee County, Marshall, Harrison County, Lufkin, and many other agencies.

ED has more than 500 hours of training in computer forensics, including classes on network investigations, peer-to-peer investigations, and child exploitation investigation. He has also taught classes on computer forensics and child exploitation investigations to other local, state, and federal investigators. He is currently certified as a Certfied Forensic Computer Examiner by the International Association of Computer Forensic Investigators (IACIS). He has held this certification since 2003 and has mentored new students in the IACIS certification process for the last 9 years. The IACIS process is  recognized by the Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board (FSAB).
Ed has been involved in hundreds of investigations involving electronic evidence.

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