Services Forms
Step One:
Call the Lindale Veterinary Clinic to pre-register: 903.882.3188
Step Two:
Download and fill out the appropriate form(s) for your pets. (Listed below) Utilize the appropriate form for each pick-up. All boarding need to have the appropriate boarding form(s), all surgeries must have the surgical consent form ready.
Step Three:
We encourage you to fax (903.882.5477) or e-mail FORMS MUST BE SIGNED ( paperwork ahead of time in order to expedite the check-in process on your day of arrival. Otherwise you may bring your pet and paperwork to our facility or, if you are using our pick-up/drop-off service, make sure you have printed your paperwork and completed it for when we arrive at your location.
This form can be filled out prior to coming to our clinic for the first time for your convenience.
This form is required to be submitted when your pets come in for any type of medical treamtent or surgery.
This form is required to be submitted when any of your pets are brought to stay with us. One form may be filled out for all of your pets, list each pet on the form.
This form is required to be submitted when you bring your dog to stay with us. One is needed for each pet.
This form is required to be submitted when you bring your cat to stay with us. One is needed for each pet.